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Udobno šotorjenje / Glamping tents

UDOBNO ŠOTORJENJE v sezoni 2024 žal NI na voljo /

GLAMPING TENTS are unfortunately NOT available in the 2024 season



Udobni šotori (glamping šotori) so prostor, kjer se osupljiva narava sreča s sodobnim razkošjem. Šotori se nahajajo v objemu zelene narave. Zjutraj vas bo prebudilo ptičje petje, šumenje vode in sončni žarki. Ne bodite presenečeni, če bo z drevesa skočila veverica in se bo na polju pasla skupinica srn.

Dobrodošli v naših šotorih, kjer vam bo narava bližja kot kdaj koli prej, mehkoba notranjosti šotora pa bo preplavila vse vaše čute.



Comfortable tents (glamping tents) are a space where stunning nature meets modern luxury. The tents are located in the embrace of green nature. In the morning, you will be woken up by birdsong, the sound of water and the sun's rays. Don't be surprised if a squirrel jumps out of a tree and a group of roe deer graze in the field.


Welcome to our tents, where nature will be closer to you than ever before, and the softness of the tent's interior will overwhelm all your senses.

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Naši šotori od blizu / Our tents up close

Glamping šotori imajo en prostor odprtega koncepta, v katerem se lahko udobno namesti do 5 šotoristov. V njem je zakonska postelja, samostojne postelje, omarice in miza s stoli. Šotori ponujajo sodobno udobje, v katerem se boste počutili kot doma. Dodana je posteljnina in brisače. Vsak šotor ima teraso z mizo in stoli, kjer si lahko odpočijete in uživate v razgledu.


Gostje šotorov lahko uporabljate sanitarno enoto, ki se nahaja tik šotorov, v kateri so tuš, stranišča in umivalniki. Vsa ostala infrastruktura (restavracija, parkirišče, šport itd.) je na dosegu nekaj korakov.


Glamping tents have one open concept space that can comfortably accommodate up to 5 campers. It has a double bed, single beds, wardrobes and a table with chairs. The tents offer modern comfort that will make you feel at home. Bed linen and towels are provided. Each tent has a terrace with a table and chairs where you can relax and enjoy the view.


Guests of the tents can use the sanitary unit, which is located right next to the tents, in which there are showers, toilets and sinks. All other infrastructure (restaurant, parking, sports, etc.) is within a few steps.

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Oprema / Equipment

  • Udobna zakonska postelja in enojne postelje

  • Posteljnina in brisače

  • Miza s stoli

  • Garderobne omarice

  • Prostor za sedenje na terasi

  • Razsvetljava

  • Parkirišče

  • Tuši in stranišča so 50 metrov od šotorov

  • Skupni hladilnik v sanitarni enoti


  • Comfortable double bed and single beds

  • Bed linen and towels

  • Table with chairs

  • Wardrobes

  • Seating area on the terrace

  • Lighting

  • Parking lot

  • Showers and toilets are 50 meters from the tents

  • Shared refrigerator in the sanitary unit

Cenik / Rates

noč / per night

UDOBNO ŠOTORJENJE v sezoni 2024 žal NI na voljo /

GLAMPING TENTS are unfortunately NOT available in the 2024 season

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Dobrodošli / Welcome

Dobro. Odlično. Najboljše. Grajsko. / Great. Better. The best. Royal.

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