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Rezervacija / Book now



1. Prosimo vas, da ste pri vnosu v polja posebej pozorni na črkovanje.
2. Možno je prenočevanje za eno ali več noči.
3. Po oddani rezervaciji boste preusmerjeni na potrditveno stran, s tem je bila vaša rezervacija uspešno poslana.
4. Rezervacijo bomo preverili in vam podrobnosti oz. dokončno potrditev bivanja sporočili na vaš el. naslov. Obdelava bo hitra.
5. V primeru dodatnih vprašanj nam prosimo pišite na

1. Please pay special attention to spelling when entering the fields.
2. It is possible to stay overnight for one or more nights.
3. After submitting the booking, you will be redirected to the confirmation page, thus your booking has been successfully sent.
4. We will check your booking and give you the details. Final confirmation of the stay will be sent to your e-mail address. Processing will be fast.
5. In case of additional questions, please write to us at

Spanje / Sleeping:
Ura prihoda / Time Check-in:
Elektrika / Electricity (7,9€/day)

Želimo vas seznaniti s POVZETKOM splošnih pogojev poslovanja taborjenja (kampiranja) v "Grajski park Vitez":


Na dan prihoda je prijava za parcele možna od 13.00 do 21.45 ure.
Na dan prihoda je prijava za udobne (glamping) šotore možna od 15.00 do 21.00 ure.


Na dan odhoda je potrebno opraviti odjavo za parcele do najkasneje 11.00 ure.
Na dan odhoda je potrebno opraviti odjavo za udobne (glamping) šotore do najkasneje 10.00 ure. Kasnejša odjava je možna po dogovoru in z doplačilom.


Za garancijo vaše rezervacije je potrebna poslana spletna rezervacija in pred-plačilo 30% zneska.
V procesu plačila na recepciji ob vašem prihodu sprejemamo tudi plačilne kartice.
Za potrditev rezervacije PARCELE JE POTREBNO 30% PREDPLAČILO.
Vaše pred-plačilo služi kot garancija vašega prihoda. V primeru neprihoda ali odpovedi rezervacije bomo vašo kartico bremenili za znesek v skladu s pogoji odpovedi oz. splošnimi pogoji kampa o čemer boste tudi obveščeni na vaš elektronski naslov.
Po končanem zadnjem koraku v postopku spletne rezervacije boste na vaš e-naslov prejeli avtomatsko potrditev poslanega sporočila. Prosimo, da preverite tudi vsiljeno pošto (spam) v vašem poštnem predalu. Če potrditve po e-pošti ne boste prejeli, lahko status vaše rezervacije preverite s poslanim sporočilom na Po pregledu vaše rezervacije vam bomo poslali podatke za plačilo in končno potrditev rezervacije.


Ob prihodu je potrebno prijaviti vse goste in hišne ljubljenčke, ki bodo bivali v kampu (ne glede na starost gosta). Ob neupoštevanju zapisanega si pridružujemo pravico, da Vam zaračunamo višjo ceno storitve oz. odrečemo bivanje v kampu.
Ob rezervaciji glamping šotorov je potrebno navesti število vseh oseb, ki bodo bivale v šotoru ne glede na starost, v nasprotnem primeru si pridržujemo pravico do spremembe pogojev in cene namestitve.
Gostom je ob prijavi dodeljeno kampirno mesto, katerega lahko zasedejo. V primeru neupoštevanja dodeljenega kampirnega mesta lahko kamp od gosta zahteva doplačilo ali premik na dodeljeno mesto.
Rezervacija točno določenih številk parcel v kampu ni možna. V taboru (kampu) Grajski park Vitez si bomo prizadevali najti ustrezno parcelo, ki bo še na voljo v željenem terminu rezervacije, glede na vaše preference, ki jih lahko napišete ob oddaji vaše rezervacije.


Parkirišče je za goste brezplačno.
Hišni ljubljenčki so v kampu dobrodošli (obvezno ves čas na povodcu). Bivanje hišnih ljubljenčkov v glamping šotorih ni dovoljeno. Po dogovoru (z omejitvami) so dobrodošli tudi v restavraciji.
Kajenje v sanitarnih enotah, glamping šotorih in restavraciji je strogo prepovedano.


Pogoji odpovedi rezervacije za PARCELE IN GLAMPING ŠOTORE:
Rezervacijo lahko brezplačno prekličete do 60 dni pred prihodom.
Če se rezervacija prekliče 31 – 59 dni pred datumom prihoda, bomo vašo kreditno kartico bremenili v višini 20% celotne vrednosti rezervirane storitve.
Če se rezervacija prekliče 8 - 30 dni pred datumom prihoda, bomo vašo kreditno kartico bremenili v višini 50% celotne vrednosti rezervirane storitve.
V primeru, da navkljub rezervaciji ne pridete oziroma rezervacija ni odpovedana vsaj 7 dni pred prihodom, bomo vašo kreditno kartico bremenili v višini 80% celotne vrednosti rezervirane storitve.


Gost ima pravico do uveljavljanja odpovedi rezervacije zaradi višje sile in s tem vračila vplačanih sredstev oz. brezplačne odpovedi rezervacije samo in izključno v primeru, da pogodbo/rezervacijo odpove najkasneje en dan pred pričetkom rezervacije. Gost mora rezervacijo odpovedati v pisni obliki preko elektronske pošte na ali osebno na recepciji. Rezervacijo je potrebno odpovedati najkasneje en dan pred začetkom potovanja najkasneje do 15. ure. Če gost do dneva, ki je določen kot pričetek rezervacije pisno ne odpove, nima pravice do uveljavljanja vračila plačanih sredstev oz. brezplačne odpovedi rezervacije. Višja sila mora biti dokumentirana z veljavnimi uradnimi dokumenti in taka, da je pred sklenitvijo pogodbe ni bilo mogoče predvideti ali se ji izogniti.

Posebne ponudbe
Posebnih ponudb ni mogoče kombinirati z že obstoječimi ponudbami, paketi, ali drugimi marketinškimi aktivnostmi. Cene paketov ter posebnih ponudb vključujejo DDV. Veljavnost posamezne posebne ponudbe je odvisna od kampirne razpoložljivosti ter časovnega obdobja rezervacije. Kamp si pridržuje pravico do izločitve datumov posamezne posebne ponudbe v obdobjih višje zasedenosti. Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe vsebine paketov. Posamezni popusti se med seboj ne seštevajo. Popusti različnih partnerjev ne veljajo za ponudbo udobnega (glamping) šotorjenja.


GRAJSKI PARK VITEZ si pridržuje pravico spreminjati vsebino spletnih in splošnih pogojev brez predhodnega obvestila.

GRAJSKI PARK VITEZ si prizadeva predstaviti kar najbolj točne in ažurne informacije, vendar lahko pride do manjših odstopanj pri opisih storitev, cenah, barvah fotografij itd.

Na dodatna vprašanja vam bomo z veseljem odgovorili po elektronski pošti.

Veselimo se vašega obiska in vam želimo prijetno bivanje pri nas.

We would like to introduce you to the SUMMARY of the general terms and conditions of camping (camping) in "Grajski park Vitez":


On the day of arrival, registration for pitches is possible from 1:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
On the day of arrival, registration for comfortable (glamping) tents is possible from 15:00 to 21:00.


On the day of departure, it is necessary to check out the pitches by 11:00 a.m. at the latest.
On the day of departure, check-out for comfortable (glamping) tents must be done by 10:00 a.m. at the latest. Later check-out is possible by agreement and with an additional fee.


To guarantee your reservation, a sent online reservation and a pre-payment of 30% of the amount are required.
We also accept payment cards during the payment process at the reception upon your arrival.
A 30% PREPAYMENT IS REQUIRED to confirm the PLOT reservation.
Your pre-payment serves as a guarantee of your arrival. In case of no-show or cancellation of the reservation, we will charge your card for the amount in accordance with the conditions of cancellation or the general terms and conditions of the camp, which you will also be informed about at your e-mail address.
After completing the last step in the online booking process, you will receive an automatic confirmation of the sent message to your e-mail address. Please also check your spam folder. If you do not receive confirmation by e-mail, you can check the status of your reservation by sending a message to After reviewing your reservation, we will send you payment information and final confirmation of the reservation.


Upon arrival, all guests and pets staying at the campsite must be registered (regardless of the guest's age). In case of non-observance of what is written, we reserve the right to charge you a higher price for the service or we refuse to stay in the camp.
When booking glamping tents, it is necessary to specify the number of all persons who will stay in the tent regardless of age, otherwise we reserve the right to change the conditions and price of accommodation.
Upon registration, guests are assigned a camping spot, which they can occupy. In the case of non-observance of the assigned camping spot, the camp may ask the guest to pay extra or to move to the assigned spot.
Reservation of specific pitch numbers in the camp is not possible. In the Grajski park Vitez camp, we will try to find a suitable plot that will still be available in the desired reservation time, according to your preferences, which you can write when submitting your reservation.


Parking is free for guests.
Pets are welcome in the camp (required to be on a leash at all times). Pets are not allowed in glamping tents. By agreement (with restrictions), they are also welcome in the restaurant.
Smoking is strictly prohibited in the sanitary units, glamping tents and the restaurant.


Reservation cancellation conditions for PLOTS AND GLAMPING TENTS:
You can cancel your reservation free of charge up to 60 days before arrival.
If the reservation is canceled 31 - 59 days before the arrival date, we will charge your credit card in the amount of 20% of the total value of the reserved service.
If the reservation is canceled 8 - 30 days before the arrival date, we will charge your credit card in the amount of 50% of the total value of the reserved service.
In the event that you do not arrive despite the reservation, or the reservation is not canceled at least 7 days before arrival, we will charge your credit card in the amount of 80% of the total value of the reserved service.


The guest has the right to claim the cancellation of the reservation due to force majeure and thus the return of the funds paid or free cancellation of the reservation only and exclusively in the event that the contract/reservation is canceled no later than one day before the start of the reservation. The guest must cancel the reservation in writing via e-mail to or in person at the reception. The reservation must be canceled no later than one day before the start of the trip, no later than 3 p.m. If the guest does not cancel in writing by the day specified as the start of the reservation, he has no right to claim a refund of the funds paid or free cancellation of reservation. Force majeure must be documented by valid official documents and such that it could not have been foreseen or avoided before the conclusion of the contract.

Special offers
Special offers cannot be combined with existing offers, packages or other marketing activities. Prices of packages and special offers include VAT. The validity of each special offer depends on camping availability and the time period of the reservation. The camp reserves the right to exclude the dates of individual special offers during periods of higher occupancy. We reserve the right to change the contents of the packages. Individual discounts are not cumulative. Discounts from various partners do not apply to the offer of comfortable (glamping) camping.


GRAJSKI PARK VITEZ reserves the right to change the content of the online and general terms and conditions without prior notice.

GRAJSKI PARK VITEZ strives to present the most accurate and up-to-date information, but there may be minor deviations in service descriptions, prices, photo colors, etc.

We will be happy to answer additional questions by e-mail.

We look forward to your visit and wish you a pleasant stay with us.

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