Grajski park Vitez
Doživetja / Experiences
Živahne poletne počitnice v idili Grajskega parka Vitez / Active kids summer camp in the idyll of resort
Počitniško varstvo / Kids summer camp 2024
Tudi v letu 2024 bomo poskrbeli za brezskrbno poletje. Tako otrok, ki bodo sproščeno uživali, kot staršev, ki boste vedeli, da so otroci v varnih rokah. Tradicija programa, ki ga že poznate, ostaja.
In 2024, too, we will ensure a carefree summer. Both children, who will enjoy themselves in a relaxed way, and parents, who will know that their children are in safe hands.
Doživetja / Experiences
Športne dejavnosti / Sports activities
Za športne navdušence je na voljo športna dvorana in več različnih igrišč, zato pred obiskom kampa nikar ne pozabite na športno opremo, loparje, žoge in športne copate. Za žejo in lakoto po igri pa bomo poskrbeli v restavraciji&kavarni&baru. Vse informacije o najemu igrišč in izposoji opreme dobite na recepciji kjer v naprej rezervirate svoj termin.
badminton v dvorani
športna dvorana 600m2 z igriščem za mali nogomet in košarko
odbojka na mivki / beach volleyball
travnato nogometno igrišče / grass football field
fitnes s prostimi utežmi v športni dvorani
zunanji fitnes
A sports hall and several different playgrounds are available for sports enthusiasts, so don't forget sports equipment, rackets, balls and sports shoes before visiting the camp. We will take care of thirst and hunger after the game in the restaurant&cafe&bar. You can get all the information about renting playgrounds and renting equipment at the reception, where you can book your appointment in advance.
indoor badminton
sports hall 600m2 with a field for indoor football and basketball
beach volleyball
grass football field
fitness with free weights in the sports hall
outdoor fitness
Doživetja / Experiences
Sladice / Desserts
Palačinke, smuti ali kupa po izbiri. Doživetje na prav poseben način. Omogočamo vam, da si iz pestrega števila dodatkov sestavite čisto svojo lastno dobroto kot vam paše. Pripravimo vam personalizirano doživetje, ki je unikatna sladica pripravljena samo za vas. Zgodba za spomin, ki jo preprosto morate izkusiti.
Pancakes, smoothies or a cup of your choice. An experience in a very special way. We allow you to put together your very own delicacy from a wide variety of accessories as you like. We prepare a personalized experience for you, a unique dessert prepared just for you. A story to remember that you simply have to experience.
Doživetja / Experiences
Otroško igrišče / Children's playground
Otrokom v "Grajski park Vitez" zagotovo ne bo dolgčas. Na voljo je otroško igrišče ob restavraciji&kavarni&baru opremljeno z velikim plezalom, XXL peskovnikom, otroško hiško in dvojno gugalnico. Igrišče je ograjeno, del igrišča pa so tudi masivne mize v senci za počitek ali uživanje dobrot.
Children will certainly not be bored in "Grajski Park Vitez". There is a children's playground next to the restaurant&cafe&bar, equipped with a large climbing frame, an XXL sandbox, a children's house and a double swing. The playground is fenced, and part of the playground also includes massive tables in the shade for resting or enjoying delicacies.
Doživetja / Experiences
Otroška igralnica / Children's playroom
Otrokom v "Grajski park Vitez" zagotovo ne bo dolgčas. Na voljo je otroška igralnica v 1. nadstropju restavracije&kavarne&bara opremljena s plezali in blazinami. Igralnica je ograjena in ima vrata, ki jih otroci ne morejo sami odpirati.
Children will certainly not be bored in "Grajski Park Vitez". There is a children's playroom on the 1st floor of the restaurant&cafe&bar equipped with climbing frames and cushions. The playroom is fenced and has a door that children cannot open themselves.
Doživetja / Experiences
Zgodovina / History
Grajska stavba je bila zgrajena pred letom 1580. Današnjo podobo dvonadstropnega dvorca s pravokotnim tlorisom, z vogalnimi stolpi in imenitnim renesančnim polkrožno zaključenim portalom mu je v prvi polovici 17. stoletja nadel knez Janez Anton Eggenberg. Leta 1846 je graščino odkupil knez Windischgrätz. Po 2. sv. vojni je bil grad nacionaliziran, v njem pa so bili dolga leta prostori vzgojnega zavoda za mladino. Danes so v njem urejena lastniška stanovanja. Žal ogled notranjosti ni možen.
The castle building was built before 1580. In the first half of the 17th century, Prince Janez Anton Eggenberg gave it its current form of a two-story manor with a rectangular floor plan, corner towers and a remarkable Renaissance semicircular portal. In 1846, the manor was bought by Prince Windischgrätz. According to the 2nd St. After the war, the castle was nationalized, and for many years it housed the premises of an educational institution for youth. Today, it houses owner-occupied apartments. Unfortunately, it is not possible to view the interior.
Doživetja / Experiences
Namizni ročni nogomet, biljard / Table football and billiards
Kaj pravite na malo zabavnega kratkočasenja? V restavraciji&kavarni&baru sta vam na voljo namizni ročni nogomet in biljard, ki že vrsto let združujeta različne generacije.
How about a bit of fun time-lapse? In the restaurant&cafe&bar you can enjoy table football and billiards, which have been bringing together different generations for many years.
Doživetja / Experiences
Tek na smučeh / Cross-country skiing
Ko nas zima obdari, vam lahko ponudimo tekaško idilo naravnost iz avtomobila z vsemi dodatki, ki jih potrebujete. Na voljo imamo veliko parkirišče, ogrevano garderobo s tušem, možnost izposoje opreme v poslovni stavbe poleg nas in okrepčilo na toplem po teku.
Glede razmer za tek na smučeh nas pokličite in z veseljem vam bomo svetovali.
When winter hits us, we can offer you a running idyll straight from the car with all the accessories you need. We have a large parking lot, a heated changing room with a shower, the possibility to rent equipment in the office buildings next to us and a warm refreshment after the run.
Regarding the conditions for cross-country skiing, call us and we will be happy to advise you.
Dobrodošli / Welcome
Dobro. Odlično. Najboljše. Grajsko. / Great. Better. The best. Royal.