Cenik / Price list
Kampiranje / Camping
šotori - avtodomi - prikolice / tents - campers - caravans
(nočitev na osebo / night per person)
odrasli / adults 11,9€
otroci / kids (7-13,9) 6,9€
odrasli / adults 12,9€
otroci / kids (7-13,9) 7,9€
odrasli / adults 13,9€
otroci / kids (7-13,9) 8,9€
odrasli / adults 11,9€
otroci / kids (7-13,9) 6,9€
Parcela / Pitch
v ceni nočitve / included in the price of the night's stay
Razno / Misc
Doplačila / Fees
Turistična Taksa / Tourist Tax:
0-7 (let/years): 0€
7-18: 1€
18+: 2€
Enkratna prijava (na osebo) / One-off Check-In fee (per person):
Elektrika / Electricity:
7,9€ dan / day (po želji / if you need)
V ceni / In the price
Kolo-Motor-Avto-Kombi-Avtodom-Prikolica / Bike-Motorcycle-Car-Van-Camper-Trailer:
v ceni nočitve / included in the price of the night's stay
Tuš/Shower & Parkirišče/Parking:
v ceni nočitve / included in the price of the night's stay
Skupen hladilnik / Shared refrigerator:
v ceni nočitve / included in the price of the night's stay
Živali / Pets:
v ceni nočitve / included in the price of the night's stay
Šport / Sport
Travnato igrišče za nogomet / Grass football field:
brezplačno / free
Dvorana za šport 600m2 / Sport hall 600m2:
30€ ura / hour
Odbojka na mivki / Beach volleyball:
9.00-15.00 = 8€ (ura / hour)
15.00-20.00 = 12€
20.00-22.00 = 14€
Fitnes na prostem / Outdoor fitness (telovadnica v naravi ob odbojki / fitness in nature at volleyball):
v ceni nočitve / included in the price of the night's stay
Restavracija / Restaurant
Restavracija & Bar / Restaurant & Bar:
Zajtrk / Breakfast: 4,9€ <
Malica / Snack: 5,5€ <
Kosilo / Lunch: 9,9€ <
Burgerji, krompirček, pica, palačinke, jota / Burgers, Fries, Pizza, Pancakes, Jota: 3,5 € <
Kava, sladice, koktejli, pivo, vino itd. / Coffe, Desserts, Cocktails, Beer, Wine and much more: 1,5 € ˂

Dobrodošli / Welcome
Dobro. Odlično. Najboljše. Grajsko. / Great. Better. The best. Royal.