Počitniško varstvo / Kids animation 2023
Poletne počitnice v idili Grajskega parka / Summer holidays in the idyll of Castle Park
Tudi v letu 2023 bomo poskrbeli za brezskrbno poletje. Tako otrok, ki bodo sproščeno uživali, kot staršev, ki boste vedeli, da so otroci v sigurnih rokah.
Tradicija programa, ki ga že poznate, ostaja. Na zagotavljanje varstva:
po meri otrok,
preko celotnega poletja,
v idealnem okolju Grajskega parka,
smo ponosni in tudi letos bomo poskrbeli za vse.
KAJ? Druženje, zabava, igra, sprostitev, šport, ustvarjanje.
KDAJ? Vsak delovni dan v času poletnih počitnic od 7.00 do 17.00.
KOLEDAR? 10 tednov v juniju, juliju in avgustu od 26. 6. do 31. 8. 2023.
KJE? Logatec, Grajski park Vitez C.O.
KDO? Dekleta in fantje 5-12 let.
Prijava je možna od 15. 4. 2023 dalje do zapolnitve prostih mest v posameznem tednu. Svetujemo, da jo izpolnite čim prej, ker je število mest omejeno.
Varstvo bo organizirano vsak delovni dan oz. 10 tednov varstva med počitnicami. Potekalo bo v Grajskem parku - centru odličnosti. V zavetju sence stoletnih dreves s popolno spremljajočo infrastrukturo. Pod vodstvom ekipe, nadzorom animatorjev oz. strokovnih delavcev.
We will ensure a carefree summer in 2023 as well. Both children, who will enjoy themselves in a relaxed way, and parents, who will know that their children are in safe hands.
The tradition of the program you already know remains. To provide protection:
customized for children,
throughout the summer,
in the ideal surroundings of Castle Park,
we are proud and we will take care of everything this year as well.
WHAT? Socializing, having fun, playing, relaxing, doing sports, creating.
WHEN? Every working day during the summer holidays from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
CALENDAR? 10 weeks in June, July and August from 26 June to 31 August 2023.
WHERE? Logatec, Castle Park Vitez C.O.
WHO? Girls and boys 5-12 years.
Registration is possible from April 15, 2023, until the vacancies in each week are filled. We advise you to fill it in as soon as possible, because the number of places is limited.
Care will be organized every working day or 10 weeks of care during the holidays. It will take place in Castle Park. In the shelter of the shade of centuries-old trees with a complete accompanying infrastructure. Under the leadership of the team, under the supervision of animators or professional workers.
*For kids from other countrys registration is possible via e-mail. Send us mail and we will send you all the details about animation.