Širša okolica / Wider surroundings
Doživetja / Experiences
Doživetja / Experiences
Ljubljana / Ljubljana (Capital)
Ljubljana = zelena prestolnica zelene države. Podobo mesta je ob reki s slikovitimi mostovi in tržnico zasnoval znameniti arhitekt Jože Plečnik. Mesto tisočerih prireditev obkrožajo parki in zaščitena območja narave.
Ljubljana = green capital of a green country. The image of the city was designed by the famous architect Jože Plečnik along the river with picturesque bridges and a market. The city of thousands of events is surrounded by parks and protected nature areas.
Doživetja / Experiences
Portorož-Piran / Portorož-Piran
Portorož in Piran z obeh strani obdajajo soline. Dragocenost slovite soli je omogočila srednjeveški vzpon slikovitega Pirana. V svetovljanskem Portorožu je danes sol del wellness ponudbe, ene najbolj celovitih v Evropi.
Portorož and Piran are surrounded by salt flats on both sides. The value of the famous salt enabled the rise of the picturesque Piran in the Middle Ages. Today, in cosmopolitan Portorož, salt is part of the wellness offer, one of the most comprehensive in Europe.
Doživetja / Experiences
Bled / Bled
Bled je podoba raja. Turistični biser svetovnih razsežnosti na robu Triglavskega narodnega parka je bil med nominiranci za sedem novih čudes sveta. Odlikujejo ga blago, zdravilno podnebje in termalni vrelci jezerske vode.
Pale is the image of paradise. The world-class tourist gem on the edge of the Triglav National Park was among the nominees for the seven new wonders of the world. It is characterized by a mild, healing climate and thermal springs of lake water.
Doživetja / Experiences
Kras / Karst
Karst surprises with the Postojna Cave, the most visited cave in Europe, the Škocjan Caves with an extraordinary underground gorge and other world specialties. Since 1580, Lipica has been the original stud farm of the Lipizzaner white horses. Štanjel is an architectural gem of the Karst. Culinary offerings are offered by the Brkinska sadna cesta and the Wine Touristic Karst Road.
Karst surprises with the Postojna Cave, the most visited cave in Europe, the Škocjan Caves with an extraordinary underground gorge and other world specialties. Since 1580, Lipica has been the original stud farm of the Lipizzaner white horses. Štanjel is an architectural gem of the Karst. Culinary offerings are offered by the Brkinska sadna cesta and the Wine Touristic Karst Road.
Doživetja / Experiences
Zgornja Savinjska dolina / Upper Savinja Valley
Zgornja Savinjska dolina z Logarsko dolino in bistro zeleno reko Savinjo ohranja prvobitnost alpskega življenja. Začutite naravo v ikonični ledeniški dolini, na turah v Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, na Solčavski panoramski cesti, poti najlepših razgledov, v parku cvetja in na belih strminah smučišča Golte.
The Upper Savinja Valley with the Logar Valley and the clear green Savinja River preserves the primalness of Alpine life. Feel nature in the iconic glacier valley, on tours to the Kamnik-Savinjske Alps, on the Solčava panoramic road, the route of the most beautiful views, in the park of flowers and on the white slopes of the Golte ski resort.
Doživetja / Experiences
Bohinj / Bohinj
Bohinj je rajska dolina v objemu Julijskih Alp. Bohinjsko jezero v samem osrčju Triglavskega narodnega parka, enega najstarejših narodnih parkov v Evropi, je največje slovensko naravno jezero, nad katerim se dvigujejo nedotaknjene planine in gorski vrhovi.
Bohinj is a paradise valley embraced by the Julian Alps. Lake Bohinj, in the very heart of the Triglav National Park, one of the oldest national parks in Europe, is the largest natural lake in Slovenia, with untouched mountains and mountain peaks rising above it.
Doživetja / Experiences
Dolina Soče / Soča Valley
Dolina najlepše slovenske reke poleg neštetih naravnih lepot ohranja tudi pretresljivo dediščino 1. svetovne vojne. Tu si z doživetji narave ustvarjate nepozabne spomine na počitnice, z raziskovanjem dediščine pa opomnike za ohranjanje miru.
In addition to countless natural beauties, the valley of the most beautiful Slovenian river also preserves the shocking heritage of the First World War. Here, you can create unforgettable vacation memories with nature experiences, and reminders to keep the peace by exploring the heritage.
Dobrodošli / Welcome
Dobro. Odlično. Najboljše. Grajsko. / Great. Better. The best. Royal.