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Ožja okolica / Narrow surroundings

Doživetja / Experiences


Doživetja / Experiences

Kolesarjenje / Cycling

Na naši recepciji vam je na voljo zemljevid z opisom poti za super kolesarske poti v naši bližnji okolici. Na voljo so številne poti različnih težavnosti za vsakogar. Prednost zgibanke je QR koda, ki jo poslikate in aplikacija vam pokaže vašo lokacijo na kateri se nahajate. Zelo priročno za gibanje v naravi in okolju, ki ga ne poznate, če se slučajno izgubite ali iščete pot za naprej. Tematske poti imajo tudi opise značilnosti, s čimer spoznate okolico, ki jo raziskujete. Gostje v preteklih letih so bili navdušeni. Z gorskim ali električnim kolesom bo kolesarjenje v čudovitem naravnem okolju brez turistične gneče prava poezija.


At our reception, you can find a map with a description of the routes for great cycling routes in our immediate area. There are many trails of varying difficulty for everyone. The advantage of Zjibanka is the QR code that you take a picture of and the application shows you your location. Very convenient for moving in nature and an unfamiliar environment, if you happen to get lost or are looking for a way forward. The themed trails also have feature descriptions to help you get to know the area you're exploring. Guests over the years have been delighted. With a mountain or electric bike, cycling in a beautiful natural environment without tourist crowds will be true poetry.


Doživetja / Experiences

Logaška planinska pot / Logatec hiking trail

Gre za krožno planinsko pot po Občini Logatec v dolžini 73km, z višinsko razliko 1700m. Ustanovitelj in skrbnik poti je Planinsko društvo Logatec. Okvirni čas za obhod celotne poti je 20 ur hoje kar si je smiselno razporediti na več dni in zaužiti vsak korak posebej. Povečini boste hodili v miru in samoti po prelepi logaški naravi ter odkrivali pozabljene kotičke sveta. Oznaka na poti je L oz. občasno LP. Na voljo je tudi vodnik poti s podatki in prostorom za žige, ki ga dobite na planinskem društvu ali vam pri tem pomagamo mi, le pravočasno nas prosite za pomoč. Pot je vrisana tudi na zgibanko, ki jo dobite pri nas na recepciji.


It is a circular mountain route through the municipality of Logatec with a length of 73 km, with an altitude difference of 1700 m. The founder and administrator of the trail is Logatec Mountaineering Association. The approximate time to go around the entire route is 20 hours of walking, which makes sense to spread over several days and eat each step separately. Most of the time you will walk in peace and solitude through the beautiful nature of Logatec and discover forgotten corners of the world. The marking on the route is L or the occasional LP. There is also a trail guide with information and space for stamps, which you can get from the mountain association or we can help you with this, just ask us for help in time. The route is also marked on a folding (flyer) book, which you can get from us at the reception.

Grajski-park-Vitez-Logatec-SLO (11).jpg

Doživetja / Experiences

Občina Logatec / The municipality of Logatec

Na stičišču alpskega in dinarskega sveta se v osrčju Notranjske razteza občina Logatec, poimenovana po osrednjem mestnem naselju, nastalem na tleh starorimske poštne postaje - mansio Longatico. Tod so že v najstarejših časih vodile pomembne prometnice iz Ljubljanske kotline (Emona) proti Ogleju (Aquilea). Logaško krajino prekrivajo bogati gozdovi, ki so s pomembnimi cestnimi sečišči usmerjali življenjske tokove, ki so se razvijali zlasti ob prevozništvu in lesarstvu. Ob razgibani rokodelski dejavnosti (žagarstvo, kovaštvo, kolarstvo, sodarstvo, škafarstvo) je vseskozi tekel tudi živahen utrip kmetijstva, še posebej mlekarske in mesne pridelave.


At the crossroads of the Alpine and Dinaric worlds, in the heart of Notranjska, lies the municipality of Logatec, named after the central urban settlement that was built on the grounds of an ancient Roman post office - the Mansio Longatico. Important traffic routes from the Ljubljana basin (Emona) to Ogle (Aquilea) led here already in the earliest times. The landscape of Loga is covered by rich forests, which, with important road intersections, directed the flows of life, which developed especially with transport and woodworking. Along with the lively handicraft activity (sawmilling, blacksmithing, wheelwrighting, cooperage, cooperage), there was also a lively pulse of agriculture, especially dairy and meat production.

Doživetja / Experiences

Planinsko polje / Planinsko polje (field)

Planinsko polje je eno najbolj tipičnih kraških polj, ki se razteza na 11 km2 površine in povezuje občine Logatec, Postojna in Cerknica. Približno dvakrat letno ga poplavi reka Unica, ki priteče na dan iz Planinske jame in izginja v podzemlje skozi okoli 150 ponorov na drugi strani polja. Unica s postrvmi, lipani, ščukami in krapi predstavlja pravi raj za ribiče z vsega sveta. Pohvalijo jo kot najbolj čisto reko daleč naokoli.


Planinsko polje je edino slovensko rastišče ogrožene travniške morske čebulice, znano pa je tudi po kar 78. vrstah metuljev. Zaradi ptice kosec, ki je ogrožen že po vsem svetu, sodi v območje Natura 2000. Poleg kosca pa svoj dom tu najdejo še številne druge živalske vrste.


Priporočamo izlet s kolesom od nas. Pot do tja je tudi del zgibanke, ki jo dobite na recepciji pri nas.


The "Planinsko polje (field)" is one of the most typical karst fields, which covers an area of 11 km2 and connects the municipalities of Logatec, Postojna and Cerknica. It is flooded approximately twice a year by the river Unica, which flows into the day from "Planinska jama (cave)" and disappears underground through around 150 sinkholes on the other side of the field. Unica with trout, grayling, pike and carp is a true paradise for fishermen from all over the world. It is praised as the cleanest river around.


"Planinsko polje" is the only Slovenian habitat for the endangered meadow sea bulb, and it is also known for as many as 78 species of butterflies. Because of the bird, the woodpecker, which is already endangered all over the world, belongs to the Natura 2000 area. In addition to the woodpecker, many other animal species find their home here.


We recommend a bicycle trip from us. The way there is also part of the folder (flyer) that you can get at our reception.

Doživetja / Experiences

Rimska utrdba na Lanišču / Roman fort in Lanišče

Območje Logatca je bilo skozi celotno zgodovino poznano kot ena izmed najpomembnejših strateških točk pri prehodu z Apeninskega polotoka v Srednjo Evropo, zaradi česar so vojske tu vseskozi postavljale velike zgodovinske strateške »meje« vse od rimskega obrambnega sistema z mrežo utrdb in zapornih zidov, imenovanih Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, do Rapalske meje, Alpskega zidu in Rupnikove linije.


Ostanki omenjenih meja so še vedno vidni, najlepši primer pa je rimska utrdba na Lanišču. Ta obrambni stolp je bil v začetku sedemdesetih let 20. stoletja obnovljen in kot tak predstavlja edini primer rekonstruirane arhitekture tega poznoantičnega obrambnega sistema v Sloveniji.

Priporočamo izlet s kolesom od nas. Pot do tja je tudi del zgibanke, ki jo dobite na recepciji pri nas.


Throughout history, the Logatca area has been known as one of the most important strategic points in the transition from the Apennine Peninsula to Central Europe, which is why armies have always set up great historical strategic "frontiers" here since the Roman defense system with a network of forts and lock walls called Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, to the Rapala border, the Alpine wall and the Rupnik line.


The remains of the aforementioned borders are still visible, and the most beautiful example is the Roman fort at Lanišče. This defense tower was restored in the early 1970s and as such represents the only example of the reconstructed architecture of this late antique defense system in Slovenia.

We recommend a bicycle trip from us. The way there is also part of the folder (flyer) that you can get at our reception.

Doživetja / Experiences

Rupnikova linija na Zaplani / Rupnik's line on Zaplana

V času pred drugo svetovno vojno je bila na Zaplani zgrajena Rupnikova linija, sistem utrdb, ki jih je Kraljevina Jugoslavija začela graditi na ozemlju zahodne Slovenije v pričakovanju italijanskega napada. Ta del Rupnikove linije ni bil nikoli vključen v neposredne napade, saj se je jugoslovanska vojska umaknila z obrambne črte še pred splošnim italijanskim napadom. Na 3 km dolgi krožni poti, ki jo spremlja 5 energetskih točk, je z informacijskimi tablami opisan obrambni sistem, delovanje in vloga bunkerjev, ki si jih lahko ogledamo tudi od znotraj.

Priporočamo izlet s kolesom od nas.


In the period before the Second World War, Rupnik's line was built on Zaplana, a system of fortifications that the Kingdom of Yugoslavia began to build on the territory of western Slovenia in anticipation of an Italian attack. This part of Rupnik's line was never involved in direct attacks, as the Yugoslav army withdrew from the defensive line even before the general Italian attack. On the 3 km long circular route, which is accompanied by 5 energy points, the defense system, operation and role of the bunkers are described with information boards, which can also be viewed from the inside.

We recommend a bicycle trip from us.


Doživetja / Experiences

Stolp na Planini nad Vrhniko / Tower on Planina nad Vrhniko

V smeri proti Ljubljani, na zahodnem delu Vrhnike se na obrobju Ljubljanskega barja dviguje z gozdom poraslo hribovje Planina. Med različnimi kraškimi pojavi se na 733 m dviga Planina nad Vrhniko. Planina je priljubljena izletniška točka.


Ob novi koči stoji visok razgledni stolp visok 22m. Z njega je čudovit razgled na bližnjo in daljno okolico. Pred nami se odpre razgled na Vrhniko in Staro Vrhniko, Ljubljansko barje z osamelci in vasmi. Preko barja se vije reka Ljubljanica in v daljavi nam pogled uhaja na belo Ljubljano z gradom. Na vzhodu se odpira pogled na Krim, Ljubljanski vrh in na jugu na Slivnico, Javornike, Snežnik in Učko. Na JZ je pred nami Logatec in naš Grajski park Vitez. Na obzorju sta Nanos in Javornik. Del pogleda proti SZ zapira bližnja 801m visoka Ulovka s smučiščem. Pred nami je na SZ panorama Julijskih Alp s Triglavom in vrhovi predgorja – Poreznom, Ratitovcem, Blegošem ter Toščem in Grmado v Polhograjskem hribovju. Ravno tako pogled seže do pogorja Karavank na meji z avstrijsko Koroško – vrhovi Stol, Košuta, Storžič. Na severu dominirata Kočna in Grintavec v pogorju Kamniško Savinjskih Alp. Vidijo se Rogatec in Menina planina in vrhovi v Zasavju s tisočakom Kumom.

Priporočamo izlet s kolesom od nas.


In the direction of Ljubljana, on the western part of Vrhnika, on the outskirts of the Ljubljana Marshes, the forested hills of Planina rise. Planina nad Vrhniko rises 733 m above the various karst peaks. The mountain is a popular excursion spot.


There is a 22m high observation tower next to the new cottage. It offers a wonderful view of the nearby and distant surroundings. A view of Vrhnika and Stara Vrhnika, the Ljubljana marshes with isolated villages and villages opens up in front of us. The river Ljubljanica meanders across the marsh, and in the distance we catch a glimpse of white Ljubljana with its castle. To the east there is a view of Crimea, Ljubljana Peak and to the south Slivnica, Javornike, Snežnik and Učka. Logatec and our Vitez Castle Park are in front of us in the SW. Nanos and Javornik are on the horizon. Part of the view to the NW is closed by the nearby 801m high Ulovka with a ski slope. Ahead of us to the NW is the panorama of the Julian Alps with Triglav and the peaks of the foothills - Porežno, Ratitovce, Blegoše and Tošče and Grmada in the Polhograj hills. The view also extends to the Karavank mountain range on the border with Austrian Carinthia - the Stol, Košuta, Storžič peaks. In the north, Kočna and Grintavec dominate in the Kamniško Savinja Alps. You can see Rogatec and Menina planina and peaks in Zasavje with a thousand Kums.

We recommend a bicycle trip from us.

Doživetja / Experiences

Planinska jama / Planina cave

Planinska jama (včasih Malograjska jama) se nahaja na južnem robu Planinskega polja, le streljaj od Ravbarjevega stolpa, v zatrepni dolini, ki je bila nekoč del jame, pod 65 metrov visoko prepadno steno. Skozi veličasten 20 metrov širok in 8 metrov visok vhod v Planinsko jamo  nas ob visokem vodostaju pospremi gromko bučanje reke Unice. Ta nastane 500 metrov globlje v jami, kjer se združita 2000 metrov dolg Pivški rokav, po katerem priteče iz Postojnske jame reka Pivka in 2500 metrov dolg Rakov rokav, po katerem priteče iz Rakovega Škocjana reka Rak.  Skupno je dolga skoraj sedem kilometrov in je največja slovenska vodna jama.

Priporočamo izlet s kolesom iz "Grajski park Vitez" do vhoda in ogled jame po urniku.


Planinska jama (sometimes Malograjska jama) is located on the southern edge of Planinsko polje, just a stone's throw from Ravbarjev tower, in a treacherous valley that was once part of the cave, under a 65-meter-high precipice wall. Through the magnificent 20-meter-wide and 8-meter-high entrance to the Planinska jama, we are accompanied by the roaring of the Unica river at high water levels. It originates 500 meters deeper in the cave, where the 2,000-meter long Pivška rakov, along which the Pivka river flows from Postojna Cave, and the 2,500-meter long Rakov rakov, along which the Rak river flows from Rakovo Škocjan, join. It is almost seven kilometers long in total and is the largest Slovenian water cave.

We recommend a trip by bike from "Grajski park Vitez" to the entrance and visiting the cave according to the schedule.


Doživetja / Experiences

Vojaška ozkotirna železnica Logatec-Črni Vrh-Idrija 1916-1917 / Military narrow-gauge railway Logatec-Črni Vrh-Idrija 1916-1917

Odkrivanje pozabljene skrivnosti v zeleni tišini mogočne narave, ki buri domišljijo.


Zgodba o vojaški ozkotirni železnici sega v čas 1. svetovne vojne. V šesti soški bitki avgusta 1916 je italijanska vojska potisnila avstro-ogrsko vojsko na levi breg Soče in s tem prekinila njeno oskrbovanje po Bohinjski železniški progi. Preostale železniške proge niso omogočale zadostne oskrbe bojišč, potrebovali so dodatne poti oskrbe. 


Avstro-ogrska vojska je za potrebe oskrbe svojih enot na soškem bojišču in Banjški planoti pospešila gradnjo novih odsekov ozkotirnih železnic – feldbanov. Bojišče so povezali z železniško postajo južne železnice v Logatcu, kjer je bilo večje vojaško skladišče.


Najbolj zahteven in s tem danes najbolj slikovit odsek proge od Godoviča do Idrije v dolžini 12 kilometrov s 300-metrsko višinsko razliko in 25-metrskim predorom so zgradili v rekordnem času od 1. do 30. septembra 1916.


Zanimiva pohodna pot meri 10km z višinsko razliko 232m in je markirana. GPS koordinate najdete na povezavi.


Discovering a forgotten secret in the green silence of mighty nature that stirs the imagination.


The story of the military narrow-gauge railway dates back to World War 1. In the Sixth Battle of the Soča in August 1916, the Italian army pushed the Austro-Hungarian army to the left bank of the Soča River and thus cut off its supply along the Bohinj railway line. The remaining railway lines did not allow sufficient supply of the battlefields, additional supply routes were needed.


The Austro-Hungarian army accelerated the construction of new sections of narrow-gauge railways - feldbans - to supply its units on the Soča battlefield and the Banjska Plateau. The battlefield was connected to the railway station of the southern railway in Logatec, where there was a large military warehouse.


The most demanding and thus today the most picturesque section of the line from Godovič to Idrija, 12 kilometers long, with a 300-meter height difference and a 25-meter tunnel, was built in record time from September 1 to 30, 1916.


An interesting hiking trail (starting point Črni Vrh or parking lot at Divje jezero) is 10 km long with a height difference of 232 m and is marked. GPS coordinates can be found at the link.

Dobrodošli / Welcome

Dobro. Odlično. Najboljše. Grajsko. /  Great. Better. The best. Royal.

E-naslov / E-mail:

Telefon / Telephone: 00 386 31 614 325 (dosegljiva v času odprtja / available during opening hours)

Naslov / Address: Tržaška c. 91a, 1370 Logatec / Trzaska cesta 91a, 1370 Logatec, Slovenia

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